91ÌìÌà | Senior School - Community Life


We strongly value our links with the local and global community and our student body raise, on average, over £30,000 each academic year for worthy causes.

Across the whole school, each house is responsible for organising its own charity events to raise funds for local, national and international causes of their choice. These include MacMillan Cancer Support, local Foodbanks, Movember, Cameron’s Orphanage Project and Hope House Haiti.

Our Sixth Formers take the lead in the charitable action within the college. Many of our Fifth and Sixth Formers work towards the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme, which includes taking part in our Community Service programme.

Community Work

In addition to raising money for good causes, our children are also encouraged to help the local community. On Tuesday afternoons, some of our pupils go out to local primary schools to help younger children with their reading, others go to local churches and scout clubs to help with their site maintenance, and yet others are involved in Drama and Music outreach projects.

The 91ÌìÌà minibus fleet has also been used to support a number of organisations.

91ÌìÌà organises a regular trip to Zambia, Africa where a group of Senior and Sixth Form students help to support Cameron’s Orphanage Project, which was set up in memory of our pupils, and the Itala Foundation School in Mkushi ().

Our Prep School have a Skype Pals Club when pupils can talk to children in Sri Lanka every week via Skype video calls.

Community Action Day

In the summer term we hold a Community Action Day when all students visit charities, schools and community organisations to help out for the day. We also host pupils and students from Woodlands Meed School and College for a range of projects, including art, DT, STEM, performing arts and sports. The pupils going out into the community support local sports clubs, Scouts, local churches and other community groups by helping with painting, weeding and gardening.

Noteworthy Causes

  • Reading Buddies – groups of students visit local primary schools to support pupils with the development of their reading
  • Woodlands Meed STEMÌý – a group of students host Woodlands Meed students to get involved in a range of STEM projects
  • Woodlands Meed DramaÌý – together with students from Woodlands Meed, our students put together musical theatre production
  • Language Leaders – Sixth Form linguists visit local primary schools to lead sessions on learning French, Spanish and German
  • Maths Wizards – mathematically minded students go to local primary schools to help develop their maths skills
  • National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (NPLQ)Ìý – Sixth Form pupils work towards the NPLQ and are then able to support swimming sessions


The college takes an active role in sponsoring local events and clubs, as well as hosting events at the College, including triathlons, a range of concerts and drama productions, as well as an annual Carol service in the Chapel of St John.

Remembrance Day

The college is active in supporting UK Remembrance Day every November. A special Remembrance Service is held as a tribute to the 108 91ÌìÌà boys and four members of staff who lost their lives during the First World War, the 75 men and boys who lost their lives during the Second World War and the 10 members of our community who have died in war or armed conflict since then.

91ÌìÌà has an online war memorial record, 91ÌìÌà at War, which is available to view online atÌý.

Spiritual Life at 91ÌìÌÃ

We believe that spiritual growth is an essential part of your child’s overall growth and development. By virtue of its foundation as a Woodard School, the history of 91ÌìÌà is steeped in the idea of spiritual nurture and growth. While traditionally Christian in outlook, the college is not limited to this perspective. In fact, as a Chaplaincy we welcome pupils of all faiths, as well as those who have decided that affiliation to a particular faith or denomination is not for them. The expectation at 91ÌìÌà is that everyone will give themselves, and those around them, the opportunity to explore new ideas and horizons. As a Chaplaincy we offer weekly activities. This ranges from Light Lunch, break time prayers in House, House Communions and Christian Forum groups. The Chapel is open daily for pupils to come in and enjoy the quiet.

Chapel Services

Within the Chapel and beyond we aim to encourage and grow the faith of staff, pupils and parents alike. The Chapel services form a regular part of the weekly schedule and is a vital opportunity for the school to come together in one place to share in the successes, joys and occasional anxieties of the week gone by. It is a time for pupils to experience a range of services, which occasionally include representations of other faiths. Those unable to attend on a particular occasion must seek permission in advance from the Deputy Head. In addition, there are occasional services of Sung Compline and the Eucharist, for example on Ash Wednesday and Ascension Day.

School Chaplain

Our Chaplaincy team are always happy to be approached by anyone connected to the college who wishes to talk in confidence about any pastoral matter which is concerning them. The Chaplain can also be contacted about any other issue, including baptisms, weddings, funerals and memorial services.


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